Your Lollipop is making a loud noise, it might be for the following reasons:
1. Echo Effect
If the app is being used near the camera and a loud static noise occurred from the live view, it may be the “Echo Effect”.
If you're close to your Lollipop Camera, please kindly try muting your phone or turn down the volume when using Lollipop App to avoid loud echo noise.
Normally this situation will not occur when you’re standing outside of the room watching live view.
2. Why the decibel shown inside the APP is very high in your room?
Lollipop is designed for taking good care of babies in nursery rooms, hence, the reception of the microphone is geared towards the sensitive side to capture every important sound or noise. They can pick up noises we don't even hear, for example, the natural resonance of the room, super quiet fans, AC units or air filters, humming refrigerators, the flickering noise of CFL lamps, etc. Noises generated in other rooms but transmitted through panels/walls of a room in some houses can be detected by the camera as well. This could be the reason why the decibel is higher than you expected when there’s no sound in the room but white noise is present in the background.
You could try turning down the volume on your phone but still able to hear other noises in the nursery.
3. If this does not sound like what you described, please kindly record a video, submit a request and we’ll provide further assistance.
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