[App Store]
Auto-renewal subscription is controlled by Apple’s App Store and developers cannot view or cancel orders for users.
- Go to "Setting"
- Tap your name. You might be asked to sign in.
- Tap "Subscriptions"
- Tap the subscription you want to cancel
- Tap "Cancel Subscription"
If you can't cancel the subscription, please contact Apple Support
[Google Play]
Auto-renewal subscription is controlled by Google’s Google Play and developers cannot view or cancel orders for users.
- Go to "Google Play"
- Tap "Profile Icon" located on the top right corner. You might be asked to sign in.
- Tap "Payments & subscriptions"
- Tap "Subscriptions"
- Tap the subscription you want to cancel
- Tap "Cancel Subscription"
If you can't cancel the subscription, please contact Google Support
We kindly remind you:
- If you choose a monthly subscription, after being canceled successfully, the subscription of the following month will be canceled, but the payment of this month cannot be canceled due to the success of the subscription this month.
- If you choose a yearly subscription, after being canceled successfully, the subscription for next year will be canceled, but the payment of this year cannot be canceled due to the success of the subscription this year.
- You can keep your access to Lollipop Care during the current period.
🍭If you need more help, please submit a request and we’ll provide further assistance.
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